If you miss the train I'm on 如果你錯過了我坐的那班火車You will know that I am gone 那就是我已獨自黯然離去You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你聽那綿延百里的汽笛A hundred miles, a hundred miles 一百里又一百里 載我遠去A hundred miles, a hundred miles 一百里又一百里 再回不去You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 那綿延百里的汽笛會告訴你我離去的訊息Lord I'm one, lord I'm two 一百里 兩百里 漸漸遠去lord I'm three, lord I'm four 三百里 四百里 再回不去Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home 不知不覺我便已離家五百余里
Away from home, Away from home 背負一切 離鄉(xiāng)背井Away from home, Away from home 家在遠方 我卻再難回去Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home 上帝啊 家鄉(xiāng)離我已有五百余里Not a shirt on my back 如今我衣衫襤褸Not a penny to my name 依舊是一文不名Lord I can't go a-home this a-way 上帝啊 我怎能就這樣回到家去This a-way, this a-way 這般潦倒 這般困頓This a-way, this a-way 這般處境 慘慘戚戚Lord I can't go a-home this a-way 這樣的我又怎好意思回到家去If you miss the train I'm on 若那列車開動讓我來不及見你You will know that I am gone 那就說明我已獨自黯然離去You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你聽那綿延百里的汽笛A hundred miles一百里A hundred miles又一百里 載我遠去A hundred miles一百里A hundred miles又一百里 再回不去You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你聽那綿延百里的汽笛 聲漸遠去You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles告訴著你我已離鄉(xiāng)背井 不見歸期You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles那綿延百里的汽笛 一如我的嘆息迄今為止,如果The Beatles的《Yesterday》是被翻唱次數(shù)最多的獨唱歌曲的話,這首《500 miles》,則完全有可能是被翻唱次數(shù)最多的重唱歌曲。
1961的格林威治小鎮(zhèn),民謠歌手勒維恩-戴維斯四處游蕩,與其他人組成樂隊。由于他的音樂風格沒有得到太多人的認可,賺不到錢,經(jīng)常要接受朋友們的資助來生活。他在紐約、芝加歌受到了各種冷遇,最后只好回到家鄉(xiāng)的小酒館,唱起心愛的歌曲?!篎ive Hundred Miles』就是其中的一支插曲。快過年了,你離家還有幾百公里呢https://www.zhihu.com/video/1053958563822612480偶然間聽到的,第一次聽就被深深感動,或許那些感動我們的歌里,都藏著和自己相似的故事吧,那些漂泊在外的人們。這五百里路,是人生艱辛路。有的高官厚祿,衣錦還鄉(xiāng);有的窮困潦倒,處境尷尬。但無論是富足還是窮苦,心中的鄉(xiāng)愁卻是永遠難以磨滅的?!澳恪被蛟S是愛人,或許是親人,總之是游子戀戀不舍的家鄉(xiāng)的人又快過年了,離家別走太遠。親愛的朋友。如果你也喜歡,點個贊吧。我是 @西湖大錦鯉 ,分享有趣的生活。
I'm five hundred miles away from home.不知不覺我便已離家五百余里Away from home, away from home,背負一切 離鄉(xiāng)背井a(chǎn)way from home, away from home,家在遠方 我卻再難回去Lord, I'm five hundred miles away from home上帝啊 家鄉(xiāng)離我已有五百余里聽著聽著,眼前是上次圣誕回家,爸爸帶我出去吃面。十五塊一大碗,熱氣騰騰的,在南方陰冷的冬天一口哧溜下去,溫暖直達胃底和心底。我總是吃不完,爸爸吃完他那份兒,就會自然地拿過我吃剩下的那碗繼續(xù)吃。那天他問我,畢業(yè)準備去哪。我想了想說,上海吧。其實是因為他們身體不好,上海離家最近,希望以后有事能及時回家?!吧虾:醚?,離家也不遠?!蔽野挚粗业难劬?,“上海房價不便宜,誰都不容易。如果你要結(jié)婚呢,要找個自己喜歡的,咱們不占人便宜。首付一人一半,爸爸都給你準備好了。如果找不到合適的,也不著急,我們自己先買一套,爸爸也可以幫你……我現(xiàn)在每天都有去健身房,就可以再多工作幾年,我每多工作一年,就能多掙很多,你就可以輕松很多……哎呀,實在不行回家爸爸養(yǎng)你也可以!”我笑,挽著我爸的手說,“好呀好呀。” 但心里只有一個聲音,“背井離鄉(xiāng),就得要出人頭地?!睕]說出口的是,這些年我自己也干了不少活兒,存了不少錢。沒說出口的是,我才不想花爸媽的錢付首付。沒說出口的是,我已經(jīng)在學著生活了,盡管踉踉蹌蹌的。三年本科畢業(yè)來了哥大讀研,大大小小的實習做了五份,有國內(nèi)的也有美國的。前兩天有人私信問我到底是怎么拿到這些機會的?其實不知道該怎么回答,就揣著一腔出人頭地的熱血,然后腳踏實地的做事情?;蛟S一些人眼里我是天之驕子,或許一些人眼里我不過是命好,或許一些人眼里我這輩子可能都沒辦法“榮歸故里”,但路是我選的,心里的承諾是給自己的,要求也只是自己逼自己去達到的。
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你聽那綿延百里的汽笛 聲漸遠去告訴著你我已離鄉(xiāng)背井 不見歸期那綿延百里的汽笛 一如我的嘆息“背井離鄉(xiāng),就得要出人頭地?!?/strong>這個在我日記本上反復(fù)出現(xiàn)的話,希望總有一天能成為現(xiàn)實,而不只是愿望?!饺宋⑿牛篊herryBeici公眾號:2046旅店希望你來,也不遺憾你離開。
Craigie HillsIt being in spring and the small birds they were singingDown by a shady arbour I carelessly did strayWhere the thrushes they were warblingThe violets they were charmingFor to view two lovers talking a while I did delayShe said, “My dear, don’t leave me all for another seasonThough fortune may be pleasing I’ll go along with youI’ll give up friends and relations and quit this Irish nationAnd to the bonnie Bann banks forever I’ll bid adieu”He said, “My dear, don’t grieve me or yet annoy my patienceYou know I love you dearly although I’m going awayI’m going to some foreign nation to purchase a plantationFor to comfort us hereafter all in America.Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing,I will cause them for smile at our late going away,We’ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory,We’ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerikay.The landlords and their agents, their bailiffs and their beaglesThe land of our forefathers we’re forced for to give overAnd we’re sailing on the ocean for honor and promotionAnd we’re parting with our sweethearts, it’s them we do adoreIf you were in your bed lying and thinking of dyingOne sight of the bonny Bann banks, your sorrows you’d give overAnd if your were but one hour all in her shady bowerPleasure would surround you, You’d think on death no moreSo fare thee well, sweet Craigie Hill, where oftentimes I have roved inI never thought in my childhood days I’d part you anymoreBut we’re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotionAnd the bonny boat’s sailing way down by Doorin shore